National Suicide Hotline 988 | Text HOPELINE 741741 | Emergencies call 911 | Spanish Hotline (888)-628-9454
School Focused Resources
"You can never know the ripple effect you
create with one tiny gesture of kindness."
General Resources
Social Emotional Tools
Programs for Schools
If a student lives in the following Southwestern Counties of WI: Grant, Crawford, Richland, Sauk and Iowa Will help pay for therapy for youth age 20yrs or younger, while funds last.
Bulletin Board Displays
Printable Display Boards (tri fold/ window displays)
Printable Resources
Brochures to print - some available in Spanish
Prevention Sports Nights
Pintables for Display Board & Vertical signs for Display Board
Announcers Sheets during time outs & Half -Time for announcer when collecting donations
Hand outs for Table (These can be printed double sided.)
Lifesaver Candy Attachable (optional to have on table or packs of gum)
Videos to show your classroom:
(Click on underlined title to view video)
Sinking feeling : cartoon (1:30) being a good friend when someone is down.
Overcomer: Cartoon, about social media (5:56) negative effects of social media bullying and the light at the end of the tunnel
Black Dog, Named Depression: cartoon explaining what it feels like to live with depression.
Choose to stay : Student focused.
Seize the Awkward: Humorous, explains the importance of using. "awkward silences" to speak to a friend.
#Stop the Stigma : College age students, explaining their depression experiences.
Stay & Find your reason to live: (2:36) different people saying their reason to stay alive.
Warning Signs (30 sec) (ASL Interpreted)
Resources to Use (30 sec) (ASL Interpreted)
Sympathy VS Empathy : (3 min) cartoon that gives a easy to understand explanation of how you should truly listen to someone when they are sad or feeling hopeless, even if you don't know what to say.
Random Act of Kindness can Stop a Suicide : No speaking only reading words about a strangers kindness. "Random Acts of Kindness Cards" (Click to find here)
The Science of Kindness : (3 min) easily understood how being kind to others helps you feel good too.
The World we Make inspires Kindness (2:43 video)
Encouragement (Setting Goals) (11 min)
Encouragement (Teen Flunking) (14 min)
Parent Focused: Talking to a Student about an Attempted Suicide
Farmer Focused PSA 30 Sec. version and 2:30 minute longer version
After an Attempt
What to tell Children About Suicide:
How to talking to your child about suicide
How to talk to kids (age by age guide)
Printable Handout from VA Services
Preventing Suicide Contagion in the community
Preparing your child to attend a funeral of a friend (printable hand out)
How to help individuals with Developmental Disabilities cope with Grief
College Life - Mental Health and Suicide
It's Real: College Student and Mental Health - Documentary and Facilitator's Guide
Suicide and Depression Guide (Mayo Clinic)
Camps for Kids​
Camp Hometown Heroes - is a national free week-long overnight summer camp for children of fallen U.S. service members who died in any manner: combat, accident, illness or suicide. (Grafton Area)
Camp Hope - is a weekend camp where children are brought together to work through the grieving process after a loved one dies. (Wisconsin Lions Camp -Rosholt, WI )
Camp Lloyd in (Green Bay, WI) - is a week long day camp from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm for grieving children, ages 7 - 14 yrs.
Digital Resource For Mental Health at All Ages : Apps, gaming, digital education resources for Mood Improvement, Stress, Mood Disorder, Self-image, Mindfulness, Addiction Recovery, Grief & Bereavement.
Multiple Resources from statistics, warning signs, and how to help
American Foundation For Suicide Prevention Programs available
PBS Curriculum and Videos for Suicide Prevention. Will take two 50 minute classes plus one 30 minute time to view video
Free Downloads- The Center for Suicide Awareness
Tool Kits
Teen Prevention & Counseling - Encourage teens to use counseling
You Can Not be Replaced- bracelets
Programs & Campaigns SAMHSA (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration)
After a Suicide- Tool Kit AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)
After a Suicide Tool Kit- Suicide Prevention resource Center
A students return after a suicide related absence (research pa)
Gay, Lesbian , Transgender issues and suicide
LGBT Guide for Inclusivity in the Classroom Hints on how to make your classroom more LGBT friendly
SPRC (Suicide Prevention Life Line) - highlighting risk factors for this population
Motivational Temporary Tattoos - Get a pack for your classroom, the nurses office or counselors office.​
"Perfectly Imperfect" - (2.5 in x 1 in)
(Conscious Ink)-
Available in white ink
"Tattoo Packs" focused on - Be Kind, Love My Body, Empower, Gratitude, Self-Love, Be Present, Survivor/Thriver, Girl Power, Be You and more.
Awareness Month Resources
Start now before your school has a crisis. If you start after the crisis it may appear to others that the school is sensationalizing a recent suicide versus being pro active and trying to spread awareness and appropriate resources.
Teen Mental Health Month
August 6 - National Friendship Day
August 8 - Happiness Happens Day
National Self- Awareness Month
September 12 National Day of Encouragement
Encouragement (Setting Goals) (11 min)
Encouragement (Teen Flunking) (14 min)
National Self-Improvement Month
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Resources:
Suicide Prevention (Wis DPI)
Teacher Resources on Suicide Prevention (Teacher Version)
Sept. 10- Light a candle in a window to remember suicide victims. Once a School had the kids color a picture of a candle, cut it out and taped it to their locker in remembrance. Even the simplest things can bring awareness in your school. With Awareness will come conversation and the breaking down of stigmas.
September 7- National Grandparents Day
Reported by USA Today: The elderly are the highest risk population in the country for suicide. But few suicide-prevention programs target them;... And mental health experts say the number of elderly suicides is likely to climb as baby boomers enter their twilight years.
Lesson Plans on the Following Websites:
National Depression Screening Day
(1st Thursday of the 1st full week of October)
October 10 - National Mental Health Day
Teaching Mental Health in the Classroom Mental Health 1st Aid
October 23-31 National Red Ribbon Week
(Drug- Free America)
National Depression Awareness Month Resources:
Making sense of Mental Health (lesson Plans)
Lesson Plans & Discussion Guides (scroll down to Depression, Mental Health and Suicide)
Self-Image lesson plans (Scroll down to self-Image)
Promote mental health by inviting in someone skilled in relaxation techniques for your staff. Teach students to meditate, journal, Daily find the positive in their day.
National Bully Prevention Month Resources:
Bully & Teasing (grades k-5)
Anti Bullying Contest Winners (Video)
International Stress Awareness Day
(1st Wed. in Nov.)
Busting Stress Lesson Plans Grades 7-12
National Survivors of Suicide Day
(Saturday before Thanksgiving)
Please refer to September tool kits, resources and lesson plans
No Name Calling Week (3rd week in Jan.)
February 17 - Random Act of Kindness Day
Kindness in the Classroom Lesson Plans (High School)
Character Education (6 grade)
What is Kindness- Teen Response (7 min)
Random Act of Kindness can Stop a Suicide : (Video) No speaking only reading words about a strangers kindness.
The Science of Kindness : (3 min video) easily understood how being kind to others helps you feel good too.
The World we Make inspires Kindness (2:43 video)
Brain Injury Awareness Month
March (1st full week) Sleep Awareness Week.
Teaching kids why sleep is important (National Sleep Foundation)
K- 2 gr. "Sleep" (Kids Health)
Self-Harm Awareness Month
Managing Self-Harm Practical Guidance and tool kit for Schools (UK)
33 Physical Alternatives to Self-Harm Video (6:43 min) professional therapist
Alternatives to self harm (4 min.-teen focus) Please preview before using. You know your audience and if this would help or NOT. Henna is also a good alternative.
Stress Awareness Month
Alcohol Awareness Month
"On the Rocks" Resource Guide The Epidemic of Teen Drinking
(April 10) National Sibling Day
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Prevention Week
Family Support Month
National Maternal Depression Month
Mindfulness Month
Group rates for Mindfulness in Schools & Resources for your classroom
Self-Discovery Month
Lesson Plans from Education World
Mental Health Awareness Week Resources: (2nd Monday in May)
·Classes & Programs offered by National Alliance of Mental Illness
4 books specifically picked for Mental Health Awareness Month
Awareness Week (NAMI)
June 12-18, 2017 National Men's Health week
PTSD Awareness Month
Gay & Lesbian Pride Month​
Lesson Plans for a Gay Straight Alliance Club (diversity Club)
National Minority Mental Health Month
NAMI Statistics (National Association of Mental Illness)
Staff & Administration
Spreading Suicide Prevention Message Responsibly
Framework for Successful Messaging about suicide to the public
Strategic Communication Planning of a Suicide Prevention Message
National Recommendation for Depicting Suicide in Prevention Efforts
Ideas for Classrooms or Staff Meeting
Create a display in your library or hallway about relating to the topic (or e-mail for suggestions and information
Hang signs of awareness or statistics on lockers or decorate your Classroom door
Have a special day of wearing a color to represent a theme
Short statistics over morning announcements for a week
Show the short 30 second Public Service Announcement in class or at a staff meeting.
Show 3 minute informational video at the beginning of staff meeting or to your students.
Host a FREE QPR Training for your staff, students, and or family members. Find a QPR Trainer in Wisconsin - alphabetized by county
Print the sign for your classroom window (2 sided) and put it up (top left of this page).
Buy some motivational temporary tattoos for kids to have when they are having a hard time.
Have the students or staff create your own Public Service Announcement (PSA)
Be part of an already created video.
Use your phone to film a short video of yourself saying “Stay.” And then finish the sentence: “I was made for _________.” Make sure to film the video in a well lit area with your phone turned horizontal, and then email your video to
Staff and Administration:
It is vital to read through your Standards of Practice following a death in the District in regards to suicide and what should and should not be done and why. It is good to be ready for a tragedy prior to the occurrence and have steps and procedures in place to make the crisis response time as efficient as possible.
Form letter for District Families in the wake of a Suicide Death
HOPE Squad: Program to start in your school
Memorials and grieving in the schools
Memorials After a Suicide (Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide)
Post-vention Standard Manual- A Guide for a Schools Response in the aftermath of a Sudden Death
Recording Resilience Program- Short Video
Online Training (Many possible Free CEU's)​
Webinars & Conference Calls
Responding to Suicide Clusters on College Campus (school campus) (2015)
Strategic Approach to Suicide Prevention in High Schools (2013)
Faith-based lesson plans:
Build Others Up (Video 4 min)
Game on how to Encourage Others (short descriptive Video)
Kindness Video "The Good Samaritan" (video 5 min)