National Suicide Hotline 988 | Text HOPELINE 741741 | Emergencies call 911 | Spanish Hotline (888)-628-9454

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More online resources, related topics and links.
"There's no need to be perfect to inspire others.
Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections."
Resources/ Trainings

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Resources in American Sign Language (ASL)
Get Trained to Spot the Warning Signs!
Find a QPR Trainer in Wisconsin - alphabetized by county
To set up a local QPR 1.5 Hour Training-
Schedule a FREE QPR training at your workplace, church, school, club or neighborhood
Suicide Prevention Coalition of Iowa County offers a free QPR (Question Persuade Refer) training where participants learn the warning signs for suicide, how to offer hope, and how to seek help to save a life.
QPR is CPR for Suicide Prevention. QPR stands for:
- ​Question the person about suicide
Persuade the person to get help
Refer them for help
Online QPR Training-- QPR
Podcasts to Help Depression
Mindfulness : Mindful awareness is a concept that focuses on one's attention in the present moment, and the awareness of things going on around you. This involves living in the moment, and can greatly combat stress and anxiety, as well as chronic pain and depression (Top 5 Mindfulness Podcast of 2019) (other key words to search: relaxation, self-care, guided imagery, yoga, breathing techniques, stress relief, grounding myself)
10% Happier with Dan Harris - This mindfulness podcast addresses a clear, simple approach to meditation alongside some of the most respected meditation teachers in the world
Mindfulness Mode by Bruce Langford - aims to increase the listeners' ability to be calm, joyful and focused through mindfulness and meditation
Of Being With Krista Tippett - This podcast interviews some notable guests, such as Atul Gawande and Michael Sheen. It is also home to the Civil Conversations Project, which is a new approach to having conversations and developing relationships, no matter what age you are.
Pathway to Happiness by Gary Van Warmerdam- a great podcast for people who are seeking happiness and aiming to eliminate negativity in their lives.
Digital Resource For Mental Health at All Ages : Apps, gaming, digital education resources for Mood Improvement, Stress, Mood Disorder, Self-image, Mindfulness, Addiction Recovery, Grief & Bereavement.
(other key words to search: appreciate life, daily devotional, positive mind set, power of gratitude, attitude of gratitude)
The Gratitude Podcast - David Steindl-Rast
I do this by interviewing successful people and getting them to share fascinating stories about how gratitude has helped them get to where they are now. -
Growing Minds - A podcast about how changing your mindset can change your life. A 20-something educator tries to share her journey in personal growth
Natalie Pace - co-creator of the Earth Gratitude project and the bestselling author of The Gratitude Game, The ABCs of Money and You Vs. Wall Street.
Gratitude Attitude - Jon Bone Parker - Upping my state of gratitude
The Yogi Show - Yoga , Mindfulness, and Gratitude with a touch of humor
(Search for any of your favorite comedians or actors to find a match for you) Others are like audio versions of your favorite funny TV shows, complete with sound effects and theme songs. Then there are also a bunch of podcasts that cover funny material
Nicole Byer - Female from New Jersey
My Dad Wrote a Porno - British Podcast of reads reads a chapter a week and discovers more about his father than he ever bargained for.
Marc Maron - Man from Flint Michigan that grew up in an alcoholic family.
Wait Wait ...Don't tell me - (NPR) current events quiz put to humor
My Brother, My Brother and Me - hosted by brothers Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy. Regular episodes of the podcast feature the brothers comically providing answers to questions either submitted by listeners or found on the Yahoo!
Health & Wellness:
Bullet Proof Radio - Dave Asprey
The Doctor's Farmacy - Dr. Mark Hymen, PhD
Medical Medium- Anthony William
The Mindbodygreen Podcast- Jason Wachob
The Balanced Blonde - Jordan Younger
One Part Plant - Jessica Murname
Training Videos
Tough Enough To Talk : Focused on Trades Men and Construction Workers
Tough Enough to Talk About it: (Canadian) Trades workers and Farmers.
Community Helpers :Community Helpers provides information to strengthen an individual’s existing supportive skills while emphasizing the importance of self-care.
Dougy Center : Focus on Kids, Teens & young Adults
Webinars/Conference Calls
Farmer Focused Webinars:
Stress Management on the Farm" by the MidAtlantic Women in Agriculture.
Medical Focused Trainings
Cohort 9 Training Series: Zero Suicide Expert Panel (2015)
Non Suicidal Self-Injury: Descriptions, Motivations and Relationship (2014) (Youtube)
A Center Without Walls: The CDC-Funded Injury Control Research Center for Suicide Prevention (2014)
A Surprising Health Disparity: Suicide Among Men in the MIddle Years (2014)
Toolkits from Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Suicide Prevention Resource Center Webinar Page. (Settings) "Primary Care", "Health Care", "Emergency Dept."
Youth & Teens Trainings/ Programs
Grief Support Classes for Professionals Working with Teens (Dougy House)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center Webinar Page. (population) "Youth", "Teen", "Adolescents"
Domestic Violence Trainings
Research Highlights Series:
Advances in Suicide Prevention: Research, Practice and Policy Implications for LGBT Populations. (2014)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center Webinar Page. (population) "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual"
Faith Based Approach to Suicide Prevention
Hope in Grieving a Suicide (2018)
Faith. Hope. Life: The Role of Faith Based Communities in Suicide Prevention
A Positive Approach to Mental Health drawing from Biblical Narratives
Suicide Prevention Resource Center Webinar Page. (Settings) "Faith Communities"
Suicide Prevention Volunteers
Advancing Comprehensive Community Suicide Prevention #1 of 6,
Zero Suicide Webinar: The Role of Peer Support Services in Caring for those at Risk Of Suicide (2015)
Promoting Help -Seeking among students : Strategies for Suicide Prevention (2014) this is good information for everyone to know, not just College campuses.
Changing the Public Conversation about Suicide and Suicide Prevention (2013)
Other Not Specified
Understanding Latinas' Suicidal Behaviors and Implications for Practice
Keeping Youth Safe Reducing Access to Lethal Means (2013) This is focused on college campus, but could be used in a business campus.
Related Topics

Environmental Factors That Can Cause Depression
Heavy Metals in your body - request a test from your physician
Toxic Metals that Contribute to Depression
Are Heavy Metals the Cause of your Anxiety or Depression?
Lymes Disease - request a test from your physician
Lyme Disease Patients Struggle with Depression
A Case Report in Psychiatry
Mold Exposure
Is it Mental Illness or Mold Toxicity?
Could Toxic Mold Cause Mental Health Troubles?
Chemical Exposures
Depression in Farmers - How Pesticides are Another Mental Health Stress
Pesticide Exposure Linked to Teen Depression
Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder​
Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder (Medline Plus)
Head Trauma (Mild to Severe) & Depression
The Mayo Clinic explains-Traumatic brain injury usually results from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. Mild traumatic brain injury can physically have no loss of consciousness, but a state of being dazed, confused or disoriented; where as a more severe injury can have a person lose consciousness for a long period of time.
Phone App: The Concussion Coach App provides you with resources to help you manage symptoms of concussion or mild to moderate traumatic brain injury.
Many different factors contribute to depression after TBI, and these vary a great deal from person to person.
Physical changes in the brain due to injury. Depression may result from injury to the areas of the brain that control emotions. Changes in the levels of certain natural chemicals in the brain, called neurotransmitters, can cause depression.
Emotional response to injury. Depression can also arise as a person struggles to adjust to temporary or lasting disability, losses or role changes within the family and society.
Factors unrelated to injury.Some people have a higher risk for depression due to inherited genes, personal or family history, and other influences that were present before the brain injury.
What can be done to help Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): If you have symptoms of depression, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible, preferably with a health care provider who is familiar with TBI. You may also respond to medication or therapy.
Preservatives in Food that Cause Anxiety
Evidence Based Research - Deakin Univ.
Mental Health First Aid Relationship of Food & Mood
​Quick Guidelines:
Red Dye #40: can disrupt normal nervous system function, which may increase symptoms of anxiety after eating them.
Yellow Dye #5: can disrupt normal nervous system function, which may increase symptoms of anxiety after eating them.
MSG : MSG is an excitotoxin which over-excites cells to the point of damage. Regular consumption has been linked to depression.
Aspartame: Sweetener (951), aspartame is used to replace sugar in a number of products, from ‘sugar-free’ soft drinks to gums and other tabletop sweeteners. Researchers have found a link between regular consumption of aspartame and a number of health conditions, including anxiety.
Refined Sugar: A sugar crash can leave you feeling irritable and tense, which can mimic and also intensify anxious feelings. When your blood sugar levels are irregular and drop from high to low constantly, the hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released, which can cause anxiety and panic.
Alcohol: Alcohol is a depressant and interferes with the production and use of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood. Alcohol also significantly hinders your metabolism.
Medication & Descriptions
Antidepressants & Suicide
Prozac Side Effects & Suicide
Mental Health Medication and Their Side Effects
Medication Decisions
Types of Medications
Drug & Medication Recall Alerts
What is Mental Illness?
How Childhood Trauma Changes our Hormones, thus Changes our Mental Health into Adulthood
Mental Health Conditions
American Mental Health Statistics
The Decline in Play and the Rise in Children's Mental Health Disorders
Depression & Addiction
"Healthy Mind and Body: A Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Guide"
If you Leave Me, I'll Kill Myself
Guidelines to follow​
Emotional & Psychological Abuse
Free Podcast "Love & Abuse"
When your partner threatens suicide
If you are Feeling Suicidal After a Break Up
Breakups and Suicide
Depression After a Break up
Self-Care During a Divorce
Financial Problems
Get a job after Rehab
Free Grant money to help women
Keeping your home through Debilitating Diseases
Debt Impact on Mental Health: Coping
Debt & Emotions Research
Finding a Job After Rehab​
"Cost of Live: Suicide Awareness and Prevention" - US Insurance Agents
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Task Force
Prevent Suicide WI
Public Service Announcement
PSA- Warning Signs (30 sec. video)
PSA - Resources to Use (30 sec. video)
PSA - Stay & find your reason to live (2:37 video)
Left Behind: Beyond Suicide (6:11 video of family members after a suicide loss)
Book Recommendations
What Made Maddy Run: Focus on Teen Athletes. True Story about an ivy league runner that dies by suicide.
Suggestions from American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (after a Suicide)
On above site scroll down for: Coping, Survivors Stories, Helping Children, For Adolescents & Teens, For Men, For Clinicians, Poetry & Novels, Understanding Suicide & Mental Illness, Inspiration.
Additional Resources Organized by Demographics

College Students
Transitioning into College & College Life
Social Support for College Students Success - Information for transitioning to college
Senior Citizens​
(research) Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly: Collaborative Trial (PROSPECT) – aims to prevent suicide among older primary care patients by reducing suicidal ideation and depression. It also aims to reduce their risk of death
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (103 resources for senior Citizen Mental Health)
Widows by Suicide
Articles on Suicide and Farming.
Videos of farming and suicide
The Surprising Reality Of Depression And Suicide Among Farmers. Discussion of depression and suicide in farming community with special focus on the suicide of a Minnesota farmer and its affects on others.
Green Blood Red Tears is a documentary about a Kentucky farmer who committed suicide. Ag-Culture Media, Middletown, Kentucky.
Fierce Goodbye: Living in the Shadow of Suicide. Mennonite Media.
Shadow Voices: Finding Hope in Mental Illness. Mennonite Media.
Reach Out Resources on aging, transitioning from services, relationships, jobs
Be There resources listed by branch of service & much more
Active Heroes Different ways to get involved and support our Vets
Gay, Lesbian, Transgender
Faith Leaders Resources
Mental Health Ministries (organization Webpage)
Mental Health Grace Alliance (organization Web page)
Fresh Hope (organization web page)
Pathways 2 Promises (Organization website)
Mental Health Ministries (Presbyterian)
Grace for the Afflicted (book)
Troubled Minds (book)
Drug & Alcohol Addiction
Solstice House - Free Recovery Residence in Madison
After An Attempt​
Department of Veteran Affairs - Resource Guide for Families after an attempt
Guide for Teachers - self-harming behaviors
Other Organizations
Family Support after loss of a child dies
Local 608-391-0035
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 crisis resource