National Suicide Hotline 988 | Text HOPELINE 741741 | Emergencies call 911 | Spanish Hotline (888)-628-9454

Our Work & Our Beginnings
"Kindness is a language the blind
can see and the deaf can hear."
Our Team
We are a group of concerned citizens from a variety of professions ranging from law enforcement, morticians, therapists, educators, religious personnel, medical personnel, and Survivors of a Suicide loss.
Our Mission
The mission of Suicide Prevention of Southwest Wisconsin is to prevent suicide through awareness, education, collaboration, and improved access to mental health care.
In January 2018, due to lack of services and need, we expanded our geographical area to include Grant, Lafayette, Richland, Sauk, Crawford and Vernon Counties. We officially changed our name to reflect these additional counties in January 2023.
"Suicide Prevention Corporation of Southwest Wisconsin"
Our Beginning
Counties We Serve
Our Vision
Suicide-free communities where people will recognize the warning signs, intervene, and help individuals find hope.
Below is an archive of our annual community involvement, work and accomplishments by year.
July started the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Iowa County WI
Suicide Awareness:
Presented to CESA #3 superintendents meeting
Created and printed 1500 suicide resource brochures and distributed them throughout Iowa County.
website set up:
Facebook page: Suicide Prevention Coalition of Iowa County WI
Suicide prevention information monthly in Church bulletins, CESA#3 Newsletter, Veterans affairs, Compassionate Friends & ADRC
Education & Collaboration:
Partnership with CESA #3
Mental Health Access:
Hired Journey Mental Health Crisis Center to present on mental health issues related to suicide 1x each month.
Suicide Awareness:
Fundraiser- Helicopter Golf Ball Drop
Started Suicide Memorial Walk
Eduction & Collaboration:
Mental Health Fair with CESA #3
QPR Training of Trainers (3 trained in Iowa Co)
Survivors of Suicide Support Group Facilitator Training (SOS)
Partnership with: Iowa County Sheriffs Department, Upland Hills Health
Presented to community action groups & county board committee
Mental Health Access:
Started SOS Support Group
​Suicide Awareness:
Awareness Night at Sporting events:
Driftless Area Foundation Ice Fisheree
East VS West Six Rivers Conference wide
Highland VS Blackhawk Boys Basketball
Media :Televised & Radio Interviews / Coverage: January, February, March, May, September Channel 47 commercial.
Live Stream TV Focused Commercials February, May. Aug, Sept, Dec. (Vet, Farmers, Warning signs of Suicide)
Radio Ads/ interviews: Queen Bee Radio, WDMP, WLKB, Midwest Farm Reports
Newspaper ads weekly for the month of February, May & June in newspapers in each county.
Podcast: Nancy Anderson "Winter Blues"
Fundraisers - Bowling Tournament /Trivia Night, Dodgeball Tournament
T-Shirt Design Competition (May)
Community Campaign- Year to date: 2,725 Shirts in the community end of 2023
2023 Total Shirts: 439
Suicide Shoe Memorial in Mineral Point, WI Memorial Day weekend (1 month)
Business Window Display - May & September in Mineral Point, Ridgeway, Barneveld
Mental Health Awareness Week Events:
35 (48 x 63 color in) posters purchased & Delivered to 8 counties.
Family Movie Night in Richland Center Starlight Theatre at the Outdoor theatre
Free Pepsi & distributed VA & Suicide Prevention Materials for first 100 participants.
Exhale Fitness "Walk and Talk"
Suicide Memorial Walk (July 2, 2023)
Distributed 150 orange stocking caps & 75 T-shirts (donated by VA Center) to rural community members advertising the new #988 suicide hotline.
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Training's: 2023 ( 55 ) Barneveld Library, Iowa County Sheriff Dept.
Gays Mills Apple Fest display table and resources
Driftless Foundation
Grant Regional Health Center
Ridgeway Volunteer Library
Southwest Behavioral Health Partnership
The Dodgeville High School and the Iowa Co Substance Misuse Prevention Committee display at the "Tony Hoffman Story" Presentation
Starlite 14 Drive in Theatre, Veterans Affairs Center (Madison), Farmers Angel Network,
Exhale Fitness
You Matter Grant Co.
Mental Health Matters LaFayette Co.
Iowa County Sheriff Dept.
Farmers Angel Network
County Coroners Offices
Veterans Affairs Center WI
Created Resources "Gift Bags" for each (7) county's Coroner to deliver to families after a suicide loss.
Mental Health Access:
Shared Grief after Suicide Support Groups in Dodgeville WI 2nd Thursday of each month.
Shared Grief after Suicide Support Groups in Darlington WI 2nd Monday of each month.
Compassionate Friends Group in Boscobel, WI 2nd Monday of each month.
Community Kindness project in Ridgeway 3rd Tuesday of each month. (Jan - April)
4 more people trained in Grief Support Specialist Certification
Suicide Awareness :
Night at Sporting event in the schools: (Click underlined title to view photos)
Dodgeville vs River Valley (Basketball)
Iowa-Grant vs Southwestern (basketball)
Memorial Day Shoe Display
Dodgeville Middle School holds School wide assembly - Watch video
Community Campaign- 410 Shirts were distributed to businesses and schools to wear on Fridays in May (Mental Health Month) & September (Suicide Prevention Awareness Month)
Created Poster focused on Medical or Incarcerated setting & Agricultural settings
Suicide Memorial Walk July 4th, 2017 Memorial Walk interview on Channel 3 and Channel 47
Interview with Pam Jahnke "Farm Babe".
Dodgeball - Dannika Lewis Channel 3
Spaghetti Dinner by St. Mary/Paul Catholic Confirmation Group.
Helicopter Golf Ball Drop
Dodgeball Tournament
Public Service Announcements (PSA) - (Click underlined title to view)
Team with Wisconsin Chapter of The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to place a billboard in Iowa County thanks to the Donations in Memory of Jeffery Sweeney.
Channel 47 (Month of February) & Channel 3 (mid February to Mid March).
Movie Theatres in Dodgeville, Lancaster, Boscobel, & Platteville - Full year.
Radio Public Service & Newspaper Public Service Announcements
Created Symbol for teachers to put on their doors so staff and students know it's a safe place to talk about suicide. Approved through DPI.
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Trainings - People trained in 2017: 258
Barneveld EMT
Hidden Valley Church (2)
MP School Staff
Montfort (reps from Livingston/Rewey/Cobb) EMT
Edgewood College nursing
Present to Community Service Groups - MP Kiwanis, MP School Staff
Paid for training QPR Presenters. (5 trained)
Updated Suicide Resource Brochures and business cards for schools & community.
Mental Health Access:
Day of Bliss (2)- afternoon of free relaxation and art therapy
SOS Peer Support group 2nd Thursday of each Month
Suicide Awareness:
Host Suicide Memorial Walk
Helicopter Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser
Radio Public Service & Newspaper Public Service Announcements that will go throughout 2016.
Education & Collaboration:
Launched Campaign with 13 Chamber of Commerce & 12 School Districts
QPR Trained in Iowa Co. - People trained in 2016 over 200 -
Upland Hills Health
UW-Extension Office
WI Dept of Ag
St. Mary's/Paul's Catholic Church
UCC Church Mineral Point.
Partnered with Upland Hills Health Also, distributed table top brochure holders to all medical centers in Iowa County displaying the Suicide Prevention Resources in Iowa County brochures.
Mental Health Care Access:
Sponsored Art Therapy Sessions for Grief & Loss, along with Stress Relief.
SOS Peer Support group 2nd Thursday of each Month
Suicide Awareness:
Awareness Night at Sporting events -
Dodgeville VS Prairie Du Chien (Basketball)
Iowa-Grant VS Cuba City (Basketball)
Barneveld VS Shullsburg/ Benton (Softball)
Highland Little Britches (Rodeo)
Mineral Point VS Fennimore (Volleyball)
Barneveld VS Black Hawk (Volleyball)
Community Campaign (total year to date 782)- Businesses/schools wear Suicide Prevention T-Shirts on Fridays in May (345) (Mental Health Month) , September (Suicide Prevention Awareness Month) and November 17 (27) (National Suicide Survivors Day)
Suicide Memorial Shoe Display - Sunday, May 27, 2018 Mineral Point
Suicide Memorial Walk July 7th, 2018 in Ridgeway, WI
Helicopter Golf Ball Drop- July 7, 2018 Ridgeway,WI
Public Service Announcements (PSA) - (Click underlined title to view)
Farmer Focused PSA 30 Sec. version and 2:30 minute longer version
Channel 47 (Mid Dec.(2017) - Mid Jan.) & Channel 3 (February).
Newspaper Public Service Announcements
Pam Janhke interview & Airing farmer focused PSA
Dannika Lewis Channel 3 coverage of sports nights & interviews for segment.
Dannika Lewis Channel 3 Farmers and Men talking about Suicide.
Caroline Peterson Channel 15 Interview about Farm Focused PSA
Caroline Peterson Channel 15 Interview about Farmers First Bill and how it will help rural communities
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Trainings - People trained in 2018: 674
Barneveld School Staff
village of Dickeyville
Reedsburg Hospital (3)
Lancaster City Hall (2)
Lands End Leads: Dodgeville (4) and Reedsburg (2) and Stevens Point (2)
Cassville Schools Staff
Richland Center Hospital (2)
Dodgeville High School Staff
UW Platteville (Staff, Students & Community)
Epione Pavillion Nursing Home Platteville
Added 6 counties (Grant, LaFayette, Richland, Sauk, Crawford & Vernon) & 30 School Districts to Monthly Newsletter
Paid for 2 more QPR Trainers to get trained. (Total 10 since 2015)
Girls Group (4-5 gr.) in Barneveld- Suicide Prevention, Anger Management
School wide focus to Suicide Prevention and Awareness- Dodgeville, Seneca, Highland, Mt. Horeb Schools in addition to consulted with Barneveld School District on mental health focus for the school year.
Mental Health Matters in Lafayette County mental health week supplied suicide materials & QPR Trainings. UW Platteville Mental Health Summit collaboration with 5 counties.
Partner with David Hosking, Wisconsin VA, to provide monthly Veterans Support Group.
On Board that is creating "Mental Health Matters" in Iowa County
UW Extension Office of Iowa County & Upland Hills Health, "Farmer Focus, Family Focused".
Grace Lutheran Church of Dodgeville, Depression and the Holidays talk.
Mental Health Access:
SOS (Survivors of Suicide) peer support group meetings 2nd Thursday of each month.
Veterans Support Group meeting 3rd Thursday of each month @ Upland Hills Health
Created brochure of resources for funeral home directors to share with families that are grieving a suicide.
Suicide Awareness:
Awareness Night at Sporting events:
East VS West Conference (Partnership with Mental Health Matters Lafayette Co) (Basketball)
Shullsburg @ Pecatonica
Cassville @ Monticello
River Ridge @ Albany
Highland @ Argyle
Belmont @ Juda
Southwestern @ Darlington
Iowa Grant VS Mineral Point (Basketball & youth cheer camp)
Seneca VS North Crawford (Basketball)
Barneveld VS Belmont (Baseball) (Facebook link)
Televised & Radio Interviews / Coverage
Channel 47 Public Service Announcement 2019 - March, April,
Dannkia Lewis & Leah Linscheid. Ch. 3 Morning Show:
Farmer Summit Loganville WI with Dale Meyer & Sue Springer
Dodgeball Tournament
At the Dodgeball Tournament
Pam Jahnke: Radio Interview of Farmer Stress & Suicide Summit in Loganville
Dodgeville Chronicle
Country Today
Wisconsin State Journal Front Page Article Researched & Written by David Wahlberg.
Wisconsin Public Radio interview of Sue Springer Judd, interviewed by Rob Ferrett
Queen Bee Radio Interview for Dodgeball Tournament interviewed by Daryl Fischer
WVRQ-FM Interview by Karen Dahl 6 segment series on Suicide Prevention
Japanese public network called NHK who produces educational programs for Japanese population. Documentary on Farmer suicide using our PSA.
Fundraisers - Dodgeball Tournament, Helicopter Golf Ball Drop
Speaker @ Prevent Suicide Wisconsin Annual Statewide Conference & Southwestern WI Behavior Health Summit
Community Campaign- Year to date: 1,202 T-shirts worn on Fridays.
2019 totals sold : May- 85, Sept. - 250
Suicide Shoe Memorial in Mineral Point, WI starting Memorial Day weekend (2 weeks)
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Training's - People trained in 2019: 249
Platteville Hospital Main Campus - Southwest Health
Wis. Dept of Ag, Farm Center (Mediators & Advisors Training)
Teen Advisory Board (Community Based Group), Lancaster, WI
Monthly training held in Iowa County at Health & Human Services Bldg and Hospital
Community Group spoke to about Stress, Depression or Suicide:
Cheese Country 4-H, Monroe, WI (2)
Girls Group (4-5 gr.) in Barneveld, Wi
St. Peters Church, Loganville, WI
UCC Church in Barneveld, WI
Iowa County Court House Staff, Dodgeville, WI
Iowa County Dept of Human and Social Services, Dodgeville, WI
Mothers Demand Action, Spring Green, WI
Leadership Development Day, Richland Center, WI
Kayla Shemak, Junior Project: Steak DInner for Area Farmers, Highland, WI
Southwest Community Action Program Gala honoring Suicide Prevention, Barneveld, WI
Stress Among the Farming Community & Suicide Awareness Forum, Loganville,WI
Has become "Farmers Angel Network", Sauk County with county wide efforts
Sauk County Nurses Office, Crawford County Public Health Educator, Lands End,
Mother's Demand Action- wellness fair & distribute Gun locks to Sauk, Richland and Iowa County.
Upland Hills Health - Distribute Posters and Gun Locks to their clinics
Crawford County Public Health & Human Services - Suicide Awareness Month Banner Campaign & County Wide Sports Night
School wide focus to Suicide Prevention and Awareness consulting/presenting: Seneca, Barneveld, Dodgeville, Mt. Horeb
Mental Health Access:
SOS (Survivors of Suicide) peer support group meetings 2nd Thursday of each month.
Veterans Support Group meeting 3rd Thursday 8:00am of each month @ Cobblestone Coffee House
Providing free monthly QPR Trainings in Iowa County open to the public (CLICK HERE FOR A SCHEDULE)
Suicide Awareness:
Awareness Night at Sporting events:
Seneca @ North Crawford (Boys & Girls Basketball)
Waukon @ Prairie du Chien (Boys & Girls Basketball)
Wauzeka-Steuben @ Seneca (Boys Basketball)
Highland Little Britches Rodeo
Media :Televised & Radio Interviews / Coverage
Dodgeville Chronicle
Sky Chadde - IMidwest- USA Today "Seeds of Despair"
Joshua Hersh - Vice News (Skype interview)
Farmer Focused Public Service Announcement (PSA) (full month March, April, May)
Radio PSA (weekly May)
Newspaper PSA (weekly May)
Fundraisers - Dodgeball Tournament, Helicopter Golf Ball Drop
T-Shirt Design Competition (May)
Community Campaign- Year to date: 1,244
2020 totals sold : 42 (May),
Suicide Shoe Memorial in Mineral Point, WI starting Memorial Day weekend (2 weeks)
Distributed suicide prevention Pens to Feed Mills, Veterinarians, Milk Truck Haulers to carry in their vehicles (Iowa, Grant, Lafayette Counties)
Placed Suicide Prevention Information Cards in To-Go Lunches of students over 4000 cards distributed with many more sent virtually to families in 21 schools through out 7 counties.
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Training's - People trained in 2020: 25
Wisconsin Funeral Directors Group
Community Group spoke to about Stress, Depression or Suicide:
Commodity Classic 2020 - San Antonio - National Farmer Lead Farmer Focused Ag Education
UW Madison School of Veterinary Science, Bovine Club
Wisconsin Funeral Home Director
Projects continued on Independently SPCICWI helped start: LaFayette Co. (County Wide Sports Night), Farmers Angels Network in Sauk County (Loganville monthly support group), SWCAP Farmer Focused Suicide Prevention in Western WI.
Exhale Fitness (Dodgeville) Campaign on full body and mind fitness
School wide focus to Suicide Prevention and Awareness consulting/presenting:
Mental Health Access:
SOS (Survivors of Suicide) peer support group meetings 2nd Thursday of each month. Suspended due to COVID
Providing free monthly QPR Trainings in Iowa County open to the public (CLICK HERE FOR A SCHEDULE) Suspended due to COVID
Suicide Awareness:
Awareness Night at Sporting events: Driftless Area Foundation Ice Fisheree
Media :Televised & Radio Interviews / Coverage: January, March, May, September Channel 47 commercial.
Live Stream Vet Focused Commercials November.
Pam Jahnke "Farm Babe" Interview (click to listen)
Stephanie Hoff - Midwest Farm Report
Fundraisers - Dodgeball Tournament, Helicopter Golf Ball Drop
T-Shirt Design Competition (May)
Community Campaign- Year to date: 1,715 Shirts in the community
2021 Total Shirts: May- 232 , Sept. 239
Suicide Shoe Memorial in Mineral Point, WI starting Memorial Day weekend (2 weeks)
Business Window Display - May & September in Mineral Point.
Mental Health Awareness Week Events: Yoga, walks, pontoon rides, gift bags, & Journals. Partner with Black Hawk Lake, Mineral Point Schools, Exhale Fitness, High Barr Dance, Libraries: Barneveld, Darlington, Cobb, Mineral Point & Lancaster. Desiree’s Hair Salon, Point Food, Hook Cheese, Upland Hills Medical Center, Richland Center Hospital for hosting Mental Health Activities.
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Training's - 37 People trained in 2021: Lancaster Library, Cuba City Schools
Community Group spoke to about Stress, Depression or Suicide: Southwestern WI Behavior Health Summit, UW-Madison Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Farm Center (DATCP), as partners on the Wisconsin Farm & Ranch Stress Assistance Network
Partnerships: VA Hospital, Driftless Area Foundation of Prairie du Chien, Southwestern WI Behavior Health Summit Committee, UW-Madison Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Farm Center (DATCP), as partners on the Wisconsin Farm & Ranch Stress Assistance Network
School wide focus to Suicide Prevention and Awareness consulting/presenting: Mineral Point School District, DeSoto Schools.
Facebook Live Videos 2nd Wednesday of each month 7:00pm - Focus on resources, education and breaking down stigmas.
Mental Health Access:
Due to COVID we have encouraged people to reach out online to services.
Suicide Awareness:
Awareness Night at Sporting events:
East VS West Six Rivers Conference wide
Dodgeville Wrestling VS River Valley & Sugar River
Dodgeville Wrestling VS Richland Center
Little Britches WI Rodeo in Highland.
Media :Televised & Radio Interviews / Coverage: January, February, March, May, September Channel 47 commercial.
Live Stream TV Focused Commercials February, March, April, May. Aug, Sept, Dec. (Vet, Farmers, Warning signs of Suicide)
Radio Ads February, June
Newspaper ads weekly for the month of May, June & September in newspapers in each county. In addition, Vernon County special focus full page ads for 1 month in November.
Fundraisers - Bowling Tournament, Dodgeball Tournament & Helicopter Golf Ball Drop
T-Shirt Design Competition (May)
Community Campaign- Year to date: 2,286 Shirts in the community end of 2022
2022 Total Shirts: May: 30 , Sept.: 529
Suicide Shoe Memorial in Mineral Point, WI starting Memorial Day weekend (1 month)
Business Window Display - May & September in Mineral Point, Ridgeway
Mental Health Awareness Week Events:
Schools: Mineral Point School District (Full month of May)
State /Local Parks: Black Hawk Lake (Highland), Wyalusing State Park(Bagley), (Mirror Lake (Baraboo) and Governor Dodge State Park (Dodgeville)
Libraries: Boscobel, Westby, Darlington, Mineral Point, Dodgeville, Barneveld, Ridgeway, Cobb & Montfort Library
Distributed 250 orange stocking caps (donated by VA) to rural community members advertising the new #988 suicide hotline.
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Training's - 35 People trained in 2022: Wisconsin Society of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Health and Rehabilitation & Viroqua Library
Community Group spoke to about Stress, Depression or Suicide: Presentation to gun owners in Iowa County,
Partnerships: Ridgeway Volunteer Library, Southwestern WI Library System, VA Hospital, SWTC Blue Line Club, Starlite 14 Drive in Theatre, Farmers Angel Network, & Pepsi
School wide focus to Suicide Prevention and Awareness consulting/presenting: St. Joes Dodgeville, Mineral Point School District, Barneveld Schools, Cuba City, & Dodgeville High School
Facebook Live Videos - Focus on resources, education and breaking down stigmas.
Mental Health Access:
Due to COVID we have encouraged people to reach out online to services.
Community Kindness Project in Ridgeway 3rd Tuesday of each month highlighting an easy at home mental health technique and completing an act of kindness. (August - Dec)
35 books purchased and distributed upon request to Southwestern WI schools, libraries, and jails.
​Suicide Awareness:
Awareness Night at Sporting events in Schools:
Mineral Point @ Dodgeville (Boys Basketball)
Belmont @ Dodgeville (Girls Basketball)
Blackhawk @ Barneveld (Girls Volleyball)
Cuba City JV2 @ Barneveld (Girls Volleyball)
Prairie du Chien @ Dodgeville (Boys Football)
Sauk Prairie @ Dodgeville (Boys & Girls Basketball)
Distributed: 300 #988 Stress basketballs and 200 #988 Stress footballs
Televised Ads: May, September , November​
Radio Ads/Interviews: WDMP (February, May, September), WGLR (April), Mid West Farm Report (Dec)
Pod Cast Interviews: Exhale Fitness, Dragonfly Empathy
Newspaper ads:
Bi-monthly: Feb, March, April
weekly for the month of May & Sept.
Fundraisers -
Bowling Tournament /Trivia Night: Feb 3, Dodgeville and April 13, Boscobel
Calendar Raffle Summer 2024. Drawing September 2024.
Community T-shirt Campaign- Year to date: 2,725 Shirts in the community end of 2023
2024 Total Shirts:
T-Shirt Design Competition (May)
Community Activities:
​Suicide Shoe Memorial in Mineral Point, WI Memorial Day weekend (1 month)
Business Window Display - May & September in Community First Bank (Richland Center & Livingston), Desiree Hair Salon Mineral Point, County Dept of Health & Human Services (Iowa, Sauk, Crawford), Family Resource Center (Platteville & Dodgeville), Exhale Fitness Dodgeville, Richland Center Hospital. Schools: Barneveld, Dodgeville, & Pecatonica
Suicide Memorial Walk (June 29, 2024)
Veterans Suicide Awareness Run/March (November 9, 2024)
Informational Display tables: Farmer's Angel Network 5th Anniversary (Reedsburg), Southwest Tech Mental Health Day, Gays Mills Health & Wellness Resource Fair, Automation Classic Car Show (Wis Dells) , LaFarge Car Show, Muscoda Morel Fest, Darlington Canoe Fest, Farmer Appreciation Dodgeville, Country Line Country Fest Prairie du Chien.
Funded Mental Health Awareness Week Events:
Free weekly virtual music therapy via Life in Harmony (May & Sept)
Free Introduction to Meditation classes
Gave away free #988 promotional items to business/groups for prizes & Give-a-ways
Education & Collaboration:
QPR Training's: Boscobel Women's Club, Cobb Fire Dept.
County Coroners Office (all 7)
Farm Wellness Wisconsin
Crawford & Sauk County Health Dept.
Mental Health Matters LaFayette Co.
Life in Harmony Music Therapy
Veterans Center of Wisconsin (Madison & Tomah)
LaFarge Free Methodist Church & Kickapoo Valley Reserve
Insane Outdoors, Dodger Bowl & Hole Fore a Cause (Brain Arndt), Dragonfly Empathy, Exhale Fitness
Mental Health Access:
Shared Grief after Suicide Support Groups in Dodgeville WI 2nd Thursday of each month.
Shared Grief after Suicide Support Groups in Darlington WI 2nd Monday of each month.
Compassionate Friends Group in Boscobel, WI 2nd Monday of each month.
Resources to families after a suicide death via the county coroner
Paid for 6 weeks of Music Therapy for Prairie du Chien Middle & Elementary School Students