National Suicide Hotline 988 | Text HOPELINE 741741 | Emergencies call 911 | Spanish Hotline (888)-628-9454

The information and links on this page can help you or a loved one to access suicide prevention resources. Prevention is our first line of defense and together, we can save lives.
Before a Crisis
"Sometimes miracles are just good
people with kind hearts."
Text “HOPELINE” to 741741
HOPELINE’s purpose is to offer emotional support and resources before situations rise to crisis level. Texts received reflect struggles with breakups, job loss, bullying, LGBTQ issues, parental issues, school, friends, relationship issues or any struggle a person is experiencing.
Creating Awareness in your Community
How to Spread Awareness
Starting events in your area to promote awareness with factual information that also encourage mental wellness can be whatever people in your community would be excited to participate in. Keep in mind, Friendships and not feeling alone is one of the most effective ways to prevent suicide.
It is suggested to partner with the local library, community group, spiritual group, youth group etc. to help in your endeavors. The more people are involved the more likely it is for you to continue providing services.
How to get a Suicide Prevention Coalition started in your Community
T-shirt designs (past designs)
Provide trainings to educate the community on what signs to look for in a person that may be struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts along with local resources.
Partner with a local park or business that can provide a free service or use 1x a week or 1 x a month for people to relax or connect to others.
Host a monthly gathering that is open to the community. Create an environment for people to socialize in a non judgmental way to create genuine friendships.
Host a fundraiser and donate to suicide prevention on a local level.
Arrange transportation and tickets to outing such as comedy clubs, music concerts, theatre performances, other activities outside of your community for people to participate in.
Partner with a Mental Health provider and host a support group or educational presentation. For example: Compassionate Friend, Survivors of Suicide (SOS), After a Suicide Attempt, Self-Care, Men's Mental Health, Meditation/ Positive Mind Set for a few examples.
Spreading Suicide Prevention Message Responsibly
Framework for Successful Messaging about suicide to the public
Strategic Communication Planning of a Suicide Prevention Message
National Recommendation for Depicting Suicide in Prevention Efforts
Resources of Displays to Use:
Interactive Activities for Displays
Who can do this? Any Group! Schools, library, spiritual, friends, non-profit etc.
Positive Message Board (Sign next to Board) (PHOTO)
Help Relax (signs for Display & Materials Needed)
3 Positives About Yourself ( printable instructions)
Love Yourself ( Printable page)
Start Doing What You Enjoy Again (Printable page)
Appreciation to others (print instructions)
Printable Display Boards
(tri fold bulletin board, or window displays)
Click the title to print the display materials
Free Professional Printable Materials
(English & Spanish)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (order materials)
Each Mind Matters Resource Center (ALL languages')​
Phone Apps to Help YOURSELF
Joyages : (Google Play or App Store) apps to help you build resilience like a digital life coach. "Profile Tab" has self- assessment at your fingertips. Use COMPANY CODE : SCN20
Virtual Hope Box - This contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking. You create your own personal virtual box.
Stay Alive - This is geared toward people who may think of committing suicide, as well as friends and family who may want to help. The app comes loaded with resources, including a customizable "My Safety Plan" of actions, places and people that can help calm you down when you're feeling suicidal, a Lifebox that you can fill with your personal inspirational photos and access to breathing exercises and grounding techniques.
My3 - is an App that helps you feel grounded when you are suicidal. You create your own network of support system and safety plan.
Calm in the Storm : An App through the Apple Store to cope with the stresses of life.
Operation Reach Out- This is focused for military personnel and their families.
Mindfulness Coach : Mindfulness is effective for reducing stress, improving emotional balance, increasing self-awareness, helping with anxiety and depression, and coping more effectively with chronic pain
PTSD Coach: provides you with education, professional care, a self-assessment for PTSD, opportunities to find support, and can help you manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD
Breathe2Relax is a portable stress management tool.
Tactical Breather App can be used to gain control over physiological and psychological responses to stress. Through repetitive practice and training, anyone can learn to gain control of your heart rate, emotions, concentration, and other physiological and psychological responses to your body during stressful situations
Moving Forward App provides on-the-go tools and teaches problem solving skills to overcome obstacles and deal with stress.
T2 Mood Tracker App: The app records a range of emotions for anxiety, depression, head injury, stress, post-traumatic stress and a user’s general wellbeing.
Phone Apps to Help Someone Else​
A Friend Ask - This App gives warning signs of suicide and step by step instructions of what you should do if you feel a friend is suicidal.
Got Your Back App gives resources for phone numbers to call. Possibly not speak to a live person for support.​
Risk Factors
Warning signs
Schedule a QPR training at your workplace, church, school, club or neighborhood
Suicide Prevention Coalition of Iowa County offers a free QPR (Question Persuade Refer) training where participants learn the warning signs for suicide, how to offer hope, and how to seek help to save a life.
QPR is CPR for Suicide Prevention. QPR stands for:
Question the person about suicide
Persuade the person to get help
Refer them for help
Glossary of Suicide Terms
History of Suicide Prevention Memorial Ribbon Colors
"The purple and turquoise Suicide Prevention Ribbon symbolizes suicide awareness and prevention."
The idea of using purple and turquoise stems from conversations between Sandy Martin, founder of the Lifekeeper Quilts, and Michelle Linn-Gust, President of AAS. Ms. Martin pointed out that every cause had a colored ribbon except suicide prevention. Because many causes already have a color, the decision was made to go with two. Purple and turquoise are both healing colors. The color combination stands for survivors of suicide and suicide itself. The ribbon serves as a reminder that suicide is an issue we need to talk about. The Suicide Prevention Ribbon’s first appearance was at the AAS Annual Conference in Santa Fe in 2003, and has been used in various conferences and suicide events since.
Resource: American Association of Suicidology
Programs for the Work Place
CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means)
Programs for Schools
Programs for Vets
Depression Screening
Gun Safety
Where to get FREE Gun Safety Locks: resources, educational materials, Facts & Myths
Printable information on Gun Safety locks and how to apply them
Don't Stand Idly By: Improving gun safety through technology and manufacturing
Research relating Firearms and Suicide:
How to be an
Active Listener
Strong Support Network
Tell Your Story & National Movements
​Self-Care Practices
Possible Triggers from Movie- Look up the movie to avoid triggers
7 Scientifically Proven Facts of how being Grateful can help you.
Scientific facts on how Random Act of Kindness can help you (video)
Temporary Tattoos
These are great for students! Get a pack for your classroom, the nurses office or counselors office.
"Perfectly Imperfect" - (2.5 in x 1 in) (Conscious Ink)
Available in white ink
"Tattoo Packs" focused on - Be Kind, Love My Body, Empower, Gratitude, Self-
Love, Be Present, Survivor/Thriver, Girl Power, Be You and more.