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Become a Sponsor

This is a registration form is to be a sponsor of an individuals runner, team or corporate sponsor.  An award will be given to the individual or team that raises the most money by 8:30am on race day.  Corporate Sponsors will be thanked on the day of the race and Facebook. 

Donation Ranks:
General - $550+
Lieutenant General - $401- $550
Major General  - $251- $400
Brigadier General  - $101 - $250
Colonel - $51- $100
Corporal - Under $50

Sponsor A Runner, Team or be a
Corporate Sponsor

Email with questions: 

Sponsorship Form

Type of Sponsorship

Thanks for submitting!

                                         Leader Board
Individual Runner                                     Team
1.                                                              1.
2.                                                              2.
3.                                                              3.
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